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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Are estimates free?

    Yes. Our estimates are complimentary and are at no charge to you. We also provide free color consultation and sample applications. Call or email us for a free estimate today!

  • How should I prepare for you?

    It varies by project. 

    The best thing you can do is clear the area that we’ll be working in. This can include removing pictures or decorations from walls, rolling up carpets, taking down drapes, and more. For example, if we’ll be doing your kitchen cabinets then be sure to clear the cabinets and surrounding areas out.

  • What should I do with my pets while you’re here?

    Simply keep them out of the area. In another room or outside (if we’re doing an inside job, or vice versa if outside) is fine. Sometimes our pets like to rub their fur against the walls, so we want to ensure that they don’t get paint on them and they don’t get fur on the paint. There are no extra fees for painting your pets!

  • What will the process be?

    This varies by project. The process usually follows this order: prep (roughly 70% of time) → paint (roughly 25% of time)→ final clean up (roughly 5% of time). To get a more detailed answer, feel free to email or call us.

  • Do I need to be here while the crew is here?

    If we have a way to access the area that we’ll need to paint then no, you don’t have to be there. For example if we’re painting the exterior of your house and we can be let in through a side gate, then it’s not needed for someone to be home. As always, do what’s most comfortable for you! 

  • Is it okay if my family is still here?

    Yes, as long as everyone is in a separate area than the painters. 

  • How will I pay you?

    We require a 10% deposit that you’ve already paid upon approval of the estimate. Depending on the length and amount of the project, this can vary. For larger projects payments will be made through work progress statements 

  • What else is included with the free estimate?

    We also provide complementary color selection assistance. Not sure which color looks best, or do you need help selecting colors that complement one another? With over 15 years of experience, we’re more than happy to aid you in picking the perfect color and applying samples. 

Other Common Questions

Can you provide references or examples of your past painting projects?

Absolutely! We understand the importance of seeing the quality of our craftsmanship and the results we deliver.

Feel free to check us out on social media (Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok) for a glimpse into the different styles, finishes, and attention to detail that we bring to each project.

How long does it typically take to complete a painting project?

The duration of a painting project can vary depending on various factors, such as the size of the project, the scope of work, and any specific requirements. Here are some general guidelines for project timelines:

Small Residential Projects: For smaller projects, such as painting a single room or a small area, the timeline can range from a few days to a week.

Whole House Painting: Painting the entire interior or exterior of a house may take anywhere from one to several weeks, depending on the size and complexity of the project.

Custom or Specialty Projects: If your project involves custom finishes, special techniques, or intricate details, it may require additional time for preparation and execution.

It's important to note that these timelines are estimates and can vary based on the specific project details. 

For a more detailed timeline and to discuss your project's specific timeframe, contact Basurto Painting at 650.942.1133.

How do you ensure the safety of my property during the painting process?

The safety of your property is a top priority for us at Basurto Painting. We understand that your home or business is a valuable asset, and we take great care to protect it throughout the painting process.

To ensure the safety of your property, we follow a comprehensive set of protocols and practices:

Preparation: Before we begin any painting work, our team will carefully prepare the area by covering furniture, floors, and fixtures with protective drop cloths and plastic sheets. This prevents any paint splatters or drips from damaging your belongings.

  1. Surface Protection: We take extra precautions to protect the surfaces that are not being painted. This includes masking off trim, windows, and other areas to ensure clean lines and avoid any accidental paint application.
  2. Proper Handling of Materials: Our team is trained in handling painting materials and equipment safely. We use high-quality products and tools, and we follow recommended safety guidelines to minimize any risk of accidents or damage.
  3. Cleanup: After completing the painting project, we will thoroughly clean the work area, removing any debris, paint cans, and equipment. We strive to leave your property in the same clean and tidy condition as when we arrived.
  4. Insurance Coverage: Basurto Painting is fully insured, providing you with peace of mind knowing that we have the necessary coverage to protect against any unforeseen events or accidents during the painting process.

We are committed to maintaining a safe work environment and treating your property with the utmost care and respect. If you have any specific concerns about the safety of your property, please don't hesitate to discuss them with our team. Your satisfaction and the protection of your property are our top priorities.

To learn more about our safety practices, or to schedule a discovery consultation with our painting experts, you may contact us directly at 650.942.1133. We look forward to serving you!

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