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Interior Wood Refinishing

Is your wood cracked and looking dull and lifeless?

Our team of painting experts is here to assist you in bringing the shine back to your wood!

Hand Rails & Stairs

Noticing discoloration, tackiness, and overall dullness in your wooden handrails? The natural oils from our hands break down the paint or varnish overtime, so it is crucial to prioritize upkeep in this common area.

Commonly Asked Question: Why Refinish and not Replace?

Refinishing this area is much more cost efficient for the homeowner, while requiring less hassle. The refinishing process is much quicker and more simple than a total replacement. Don’t tear apart your home, when you can refinish and/or repaint!

When redoing your handrails, note that you have the option of refinishing or repainting.

Staining and Refinishing

More times than not, handrails are stained with a wood varnish. This keeps the surface natural and wood-like appearance. Homeowners have the option of using a clear varnish coat, which allows the natural color of the wood to show through, or apply a new varnish shade and give the wood a new color and feel.


Are you looking to give your stairs and handrails a new look? When painted, staircases or banisters are typically made to match the color of the trim.

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  • Stair handrail refinish

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  • Wooden handrail refinish

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Interior Trim, Baseboards, Door Casings

Noticing imperfections in your wood? Refinishing and repainting these surfaces will bring back their clean and fresh look!

Repainting Trim

Looking to repaint one of these wooden surfaces? A refinish and repaint will protect the integrity of the wood, especially in common areas. Frequently touched areas, such as door handles, casings, and baseboards, are at risk for discoloration and staining from the natural oils of our hands, and exposure to outside dirt.

Refinishing Trim

An important note to consider is that engineered wood can not be refinished. Before proceeding with this process, ensure that your surface is made up of real wood.

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  • Front door wooden baseboard painting

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When refinishing or painting stairs, we only target the sizers, which are the vertical wooden planks. The treads, the horizontal wood used for stepping on stairs, remain untouched.

Recommended upkeep period: When discoloration is apparent.

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  • Staircase repaint

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